The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management and UN Environment held the second in a series of stakeholders’ consultation meetings within the project “Developing the capacities of the Republic of Serbia for an effective engagement with the Green Climate Fund “.
“Climate change is the biggest challenge of our time which can only slowed down through adaptation and mitigation activities. Taking into account that this is a country-driven process, I am pleased to see that UN Environment, as well as several other UN agencies in Serbia, support the Government of Serbia in these efforts”, said Hans Schodder, UN Resident Coordinator a.i in Serbia.
After the first stakeholders’ consultation meeting held in March this year, which effectively marked the beginning of a process of stakeholder engagement and disclosure, the second consultation meeting presents another milestone in the process of supporting Serbia’s readiness and preparatory activities in cooperation with the Green Climate Fund.
“The Green Climate Fund presents one of the most favorable opportunities for financing activities aimed at reducing GHG emissions, but also minimizing damages and losses due to natural disasters. We see cooperation with the Fund as an excellent opportunity to transform our country’s economy into an efficient and innovative one, in accordance with the goals and priorities of the Serbian Government. Having recognized these possibilities, we have made it our goal to strengthen this cooperation, which we endeavor to achieve through these consultation meetings”, said Bogdan Igić, State Secretary at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management.
The meeting was very significant due to the participation of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) representatives who presented the GCF related possibilities and requirements for financing climate change adaptation and mitigation projects. In addition to allowing the possibility of follow up, continuous update and regular assessment of progress and exchange of good practices and challenges, the meeting was aimed at providing relevant information to all potential participants in projects funded by the GCF, so as to ensure efficient cooperation with the Fund.
The aim of the project is to develop, in coordination with stakeholders (Government institutions, local authorities, civil society organizations, public and private companies, banks and other financial institutions, women and vulnerable groups and others), the Country Programme which identifies key national priorities for further GCF funding.
During the visit of the Green Climate Fund representatives to Serbia, a workshop was also held aimed at providing information about the possibilities and requirements that need to be fulfilled in the process of accreditation of institutions for direct access to the Green Climate Fund funding.
Below are presentations:
Strategic Considerations for Accreditation
Operational Modalities and Funding Opportunities
Introduction to the Acreditation Process and Experiences from Other Regions
De-risking Climate Finance -an Introduction&Catalyzing Serbia’s Private Sector
Partnership Opportunities with GCF